Increasing social media presence for change
In today's world, everyone from politicians, to business leaders, to environmental and human rights groups, look to social media to advance their voice and reputation (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). The rise of advocacy in the field of environmental communication is underpinned by user generated content – mostly young people forming a global community declaring messages of hope and change for their futures.
It can be argued, the emergence of Greta Thunberg has blurred the lines of classifying social platforms. From community to publishing, Watts (2019) reported how, entrepreneur Ingmar Rentzhog, used Thunberg’s name to raise investment for his company by tweeting about Greta’s climate strike. As a result, Greta’s name was used without permission, and she vowed to have no association with commercial interests or payment for her activities. Rentzhog defended his actions and said that climate change, not profit, was his motive. More than 200,000 of Rentzhog followers, were introduced to Greta Thunberg – now an iconic figure for climate change with global media attention.
"Social media can be very effective in creating movements... in the beginning, that is how I first got attention. That is when journalists started coming.” says Thurnberg (Tait, 2019).
Thunberg became well-known after she protested outside the Swedish parliament in 2018, when she was 15, holding a sign saying, "School Strike for Climate", to pressure her government to meet carbon emissions targets.
As Kevin Allocca explains in his TedEx talk on Why videos go viral (2012) a cultural moment can be defined by tastemakers, creative participating communities and complete unexpectedness. Creating new media, whereby an audience can define who and what is popular.
Thunberg became so popular she was able to address the UN in 2018 and in 2019, with the video of her speech shared on Facebook watched by more than 9.8 million people.
The emergence of a digitally-integrated era, demonstrates how technologies of global communications are increasingly in everyone's hands. Thunberg’s personal story and climate debates were being reported by mainstream media outlets, whilst simple messages were penetrating social media channels using hashtag #FridaysforFuture. A synergetic effect resulting in an estimated 4 million people taking part in demonstrations around the world.
Thunberg’s small campaign had a global effect, inspiring thousands of young people across the world to organise their own strikes. Social media’s cost-free platform mobilised more than 20,000 students to skip school to protest and demand a future without ecological peril.
Is this the only example of social media being used for change?
Hi Olivia
Thanks for sharing #vegan stats as another example of social media for change. I have seen your great blog on Nike - really great information on Nike's brand influence and vision direct to their millennial audience. Right now I think Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, speech at the Opening of the #COP26 World Leaders Summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). Mia used a clear voice with a clear message - one of the most eloquent and moving speeches from Cop26 Glasgow!
Hi Nicole,
Very interesting post. Your mention of #fridaysforfuture in reference to the school climate strikes enforced the usefulness of hashtags when sparking a social movement on social media. Another way in which social media is being used for change can be seen is in the vegan movement on Instagram with #vegan has reached 117 million posts which is an impressive figure and goes to show how large the movement is. I have discussed how Nike is using their social media platforms for in a blog post here (check if you are interested)
Other than Greta Thunberg who do you think is the most influential social advocate on social media right now?
Is this the only example of social media being used for change?